Interactive tables created using Google Visualization

I have a Google visualization data table that works well, but I am facing an issue with the width of the table. When I click as shown in the image, I call the function drawTable(); and then I encounter this:

As you can see, the table does not have a width of 100%;

However, when I click on "Mehanizacija" again, as shown in the photo, I call the function drawTable() once more and everything is okay:

So, what is causing the problem with the datatable width? Why do I need to call the drawTable() function twice for it to work properly? Is there any way to fix this so that the datatable gets the width: 100% with just one click?

Here is my function drawTable();:

function drawTable() {

  // Create and populate the data table.
  var JSONObject = $.ajax({
                    url: 'call_radnici.php', // make sure this URL points to the correct data file
                    dataType: 'json',
                    async: false,
                    type: 'POST',

  var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(JSONObject, 0.5);

  data.addColumn('string', '');
  for (var y = 0, maxrows = data.getNumberOfRows(); y < maxrows; y++) {
    var mc = data.getNumberOfColumns()-1;
    data.setValue(y, mc, '<div data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Delete this day data"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" ></i></div>');

  var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('tplradnici'));

  table.draw(data, {'allowHtml': true,  cssClassNames: {
        'headerRow': 'zaglavlje1',
        'tableRow': 'red',
        'oddTableRow': 'red',
        'selectedTableRow': 'orange-background large-font',
        'hoverTableRow': 'prekoreda',
        'headerCell': 'gold-border',
        'tableCell': 'cell',
        'rowNumberCell': 'underline-blue-font'}


Answer №1

Typically, the Table Visualization is set to draw at 100% of the containing div's width. The specific pixel width of the container is defined in the inline style of the <table> element (for example, if the container div is 500px wide, then the <table> element will have a style attribute of width:500px;). If your Table appears narrower than 100% width upon initial drawing, it may be due to placing it inside a hidden div, which can interfere with the Visualization API's dimensional measurements - this commonly occurs when nesting Tables within tab interfaces.

To address this issue, consider implementing a "ready" event handler for the table that adjusts the styles of the internal <table> elements:, 'ready', function () {
    var tArr = document.querySelectorAll('#tplradnici table');
    for (var i = 0; i < tArr.length; i++) {
        tArr[i].style.width = '100%';

Incorporate this event handler into your code after creating the Table but before rendering it.

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