The HTML div element is not expanding to the full width of the screen on an iPhone device

Recently, I encountered an issue while testing my website on the iPhone. The footer was not covering the full width, especially on Safari browser. After some digging, I realized that the problem might be caused by an absolutely positioned DIV called #leaf-print within the #header.

Despite going through numerous articles on Stackoverflow, I couldn't find a solution. The website in question is located at: Ideally, I am looking for CSS code to adjust the viewport width on iPhone screens to 952px. Any assistance would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

It appears that your current code is causing some styling issues.

  width:952 px;

To resolve this, consider updating it to:



However, the issue persists due to:

Even after setting html,body{width:100%;}, the following code overrides it:

  width:952px; /* This overrides the previous width:100% declaration */

Please update the above snippet to:


Additionally, adjust the #footer styling from:

   width:1024px; /* Update this to width:100%; */

If the issue still persists, try using the following code:

   width:100%; /* Update this to width:100%; as well */
   position: absolute;
   right: 0;
   left: 0;

Answer №2

Although this question is a bit dated, I recently encountered a similar issue with some HTML that was provided to me for review. After some puzzling over it, I discovered that the solution was actually quite straightforward.

To resolve the issue, simply delete the following line from the <head>

<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width" />

Since your design is not responsive, disabling user scalability and setting the device width in the viewport meta tag will ensure that your website behaves like a non-responsive site on mobile devices. By removing this unnecessary element, you can avoid issues with elements not displaying properly at 100% screen width. If you check how your HTML renders on iOS, you'll notice that the body and HTML tags only occupy half of the screen.

To further investigate the problem, you can use the iPhone Simulator feature in Safari's Developer menu when using an iOS simulator. This will give you the ability to inspect your code as it runs within the simulator, providing a valuable tool for developers who have been missing this feature. It may seem like an odd implementation by Apple, but it's definitely a welcome one!

I hope this solution helps you resolve your issue! ;)

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