how can I modify the css style of an html element only when a specific sibling is present?

After searching through the MDN CSS documentation, I was unable to find any Combinators that can target the specific element I want to style.

/* second-span red when first-span is present */
[first-span] ~ [second-span] {
  color: red;

/* first-span blue ONLY when second-span is present */
/* HOW TO ? */
[first-span] /* combinator doesn't exist */ {
  color: blue;
  <span first-span="">I am #1</span><br>
  <span second-span="">I am #2</span>

  <span first-span="">I am #1</span>
  <!-- no second span -->

  <span second-span="">I am #2</span>

I'm attempting to apply a style to an element only if a specified sibling is found among the neighboring elements below it.

In the provided code snippet, the first CSS statement successfully styles an element if the left-hand selector is located among preceding siblings. However, I'm struggling to find a combinator that achieves the opposite effect.

Is there a way to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

By utilizing the combination of nth-child with other pseudo classes, you can specifically target elements within sets of elements with defined lengths.

The use of the <br> tag as a child element of <p> adds a layer of complexity, but it should still function according to your requirements:

/* This rule will style the first element out of three nested children in a p tag in blue */
p span:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(3){
  color: blue;

/* This rule will style the third element out of three nested children in a p tag in red */
p span:nth-child(3):nth-last-child(1) {
    color: red;
  <span first-span="">I am #1</span><br>
  <span second-span="">I am #2</span>

  <span first-span="">I am #1</span>
  <!-- no second span -->

  <span second-span="">I am #2</span>

This code snippet targets the first and last elements out of a set of three.

Answer №2

If you want to keep your code clean, you can utilize jQuery in the following way:

if($('p > span:nth-of-type(2)').length) {
   $('p > span:nth-of-type(1)').css('color','red');

Learn more about checking if an element exists in jQuery

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