The functionality of bootstrap.styl malfunctions during the parsing process in stylus

I am attempting to incorporate stylus, a css preprocessor, with twitter bootstrap version 2.04. Upon downloading boostrap, I execute the command "stylus --css < bootstrap.css > bootstrap.styl" to generate a bootstrap.styl file. However, upon trying to parse bootstrap.styl in my browser, I encounter the following error:

ParseError: /Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/static/css/bootstrap.styl:1835
   1831|   background-position: -313px -119px
   1833| .icon-retweet
   1834|   background-position: -336px -120px
 > 1835| 
   1836| .icon-shopping-cart
   1837|   background-position: -360px -120px

expected "indent", got "outdent"

at Parser.error (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:166:11)
at Parser.expect (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:194:12)
at Parser.block (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:597:12)
at Parser.selector (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:1099:24)
at (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:1013:47)
at Parser.ident (/Users//Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:970:25)
at Parser.stmt (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:546:25)
at Parser.statement (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:458:21)
at Parser.block (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:609:21)
at Parser.selector (/Users/user/Projects/node_tutorials/project/node_modules/stylus/lib/parser.js:1099:24)

Despite thoroughly checking for additional whitespace and even hexdumping the file, I can't seem to identify any issues. Can someone point out where the problem lies?

Answer №1

Jonathan's observation is spot on - the issue stems from the filter

To address this, I came up with a clever solution involving the stylus function unquote

All you need to do is perform a regex replacement of filter: (.+)$ with filter: unquote("\1") in bootstrap.styl

Answer №2

Have you reviewed the formatting of the entire document? Issues like this can often stem from mistakes made long before the parser detects any errors.

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