Website issues being displayed by Internet Explorer

Greetings! Let me begin by saying how wonderful this page is - I have already found many answers here before. Please forgive any errors in my English :)

In my efforts to optimize my website for SEO and increase its speed, I made several changes. The site is built on the Opencart 2 system with the Lamby theme and various modifications. However, it seems that one of these modifications may be causing issues when accessing this page in Internet Explorer.

The interesting thing is that I created another page for my girlfriend using the same Opencart theme, and there are no problems with Internet Explorer on her page (her URL: ). The issue arises only when accessing my main page in Internet Explorer, particularly on product pages and some category pages.

I have tried hiring individuals on platforms like Fiverr to address this problem, but unfortunately, none of them were successful or affordable given my limited budget. Now, I turn to you, knowledgeable CSS experts and internet masters, for your insights on fixing this issue. It appears to affect all versions of Internet Explorer.

This is quite troublesome as many of my customers still use IE... Thank you in advance for your assistance!

(I have searched for solutions myself, but as a beginner, I struggle to understand them)

Answer №1

I haven't delved deeply into the analysis of your issue, but it seems like Internet Explorer is consistently reporting one main error message:

The value of the property '$' is null or undefined, not a Function object
. This indicates a potential problem with jQuery not loading correctly or a similar issue occurring.

Have you tried grouping all of your jQuery code within the $(document).ready(function() {}) function to see if that resolves the issue?

Answer №2

After experiencing and solving an issue with Internet Explorer, I wanted to share the solution in case it can help someone else in the future. I discovered that the addresses of scripts and links in the header should always begin with "..//catalog/......" It's crucial to have double dots before slashes for Internet Explorer to interpret it correctly as the root.

If you encounter a similar problem specific to Internet Explorer, try adding two dots at the beginning of the script address.

Page: Regards,

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