What is the functionality of the CSS switch button?

I'm curious about how the cool turn on/off switch button actually works. Take a look at for reference.

I'm interested in implementing a prevention check to confirm whether the user truly wants to switch the button. Here's a snippet of the code I've been working with:

$(document).on('change', '.onoffswitch',function(event){...


Even though the change event is triggered, it doesn't seem to stop the switch behavior as intended.

Interestingly, this functionality is achieved purely through CSS. It's puzzling why a change event would be triggered after interacting with the button, especially since the checkbox is set to display:none.

Thanks in advance for any insights you can provide!

Answer №1

Make sure to utilize a click handler on the label element, rather than the div element.

The change event occurs after the value has been modified, making it non-cancelable.

$(document).on('click', '.onoffswitch-label', function (event) {
    if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to switch?")) {
        return false;

See a demonstration here: Fiddle

Answer №2

To enhance the user experience, consider reworking your CSS approach by transferring the toggle effects to your JQuery script instead. With event detection already in place with JQuery, modify the CSS properties directly within your code.

To conceal the standard checkbox (the unattractive grey box with a check mark), it has been concealed using display:none;. In addition, this hidden element serves as the foundation for constructing the customized replacement...

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