The presentation of an HTML table varies between Gmail and web browsers

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <table width="100%" height="131" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <td width="570" height="131">
                        <img title="header_agado_zg_lv.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_lv.jpg" border="0" src="" width="570" height="131">
                        <table width="130" height="131" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                <td><img title="header_agado_zg_ds1.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_ds1.jpg" src="" width="130" height="19" border="0"></td>
                            <tr style="height: 25px;">
                                <td style="height: 25px;"><a href="#"><img src="" width="130" height="25" border="0"></a></td>
                                <td><img title="header_agado_zg_ds3.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_ds3.jpg" src="" width="130" height="12" border="0"></td>
                                <td><a href="#"><img src="" width="130" height="25" border="0"></a></td>
                                <td><img title="header_agado_zg_ds5.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_ds5.jpg" src="" width="130" height="12" border="0"></td>
                                <td><a href="#"><img src="" width="130" height="25" border="0"></a></td>
                                <td><img title="header_agado_zg_ds7.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_ds7.jpg" src="" width="130" height="13" border="0"></td>
        <td><img title="header_agado_sp.jpg" alt="header_agado_sp.jpg" src="" width="700" height="152"></td>

Email Client:

Web Browser:

Have you noticed the difference in appearance between Gmail and a web browser for your email template? How do you plan to address this issue?

Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of images in an email, apply inline style to each image tag:

Here's an example:

<img title="header_agado_zg_lv.jpg" alt="header_agado_zg_lv.jpg" border="0" src="" width="570" height="131" style='border: none; display:block;' />

In summary,

style='border: none; display:block;'
will improve the image style.

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