What is the best way to make the children of a parent div focusable without including the grandchildren divs in the focus?

I want to ensure that only the children of the main div are able to receive focus, not the grandchildren.

Here is an example:

<div class="parent" >
<div class="child1" > <!-- should be focused-->
<div class="grandchild" ></div> <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
<div class="child2" > <!-- should be focused-->
<div class="grandchild" ></div> <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
<div class="child3" > <!-- should be focused-->
<div class="grandchild" ></div> <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
<div class="child4" > <!-- should be focused-->
<div class="grandchild" ></div> <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
<div class="child5" > <!-- should be focused-->
<div class="grandchild" ></div> <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
<!-- more divs-->

Can this be achieved using only HTML and CSS?

If I use tabindex=0 on the parent div, will it make all the children focusable? Or do I have to individually assign a tabindex to each child?

Navigating with the tab key on a keyboard

Answer №1

By setting the tab-index to -1, you can prevent an element from being focused when the Tab key is pressed. This functionality can be easily achieved using JavaScript:

document.querySelectorAll('.parent > * > *').forEach((element) => {
  element.setAttribute("tabindex", -1);
<div class="parent">
  <div class="child1">
    <!-- should be focused-->
    <div class="grandchild"></div>
    <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
  <div class="child2">
    <!-- should be focused-->
    <div class="grandchild"></div>
    <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
  <div class="child3">
    <!-- should be focused-->
    <div class="grandchild"></div>
    <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
  <div class="child4">
    <!-- should be focused-->
    <div class="grandchild"></div>
    <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
  <div class="child5">
    <!-- should be focused-->
    <div class="grandchild"></div>
    <!-- shouldn't be focused-->
    <!-- more divs-->

Answer №2

According to the information provided in the MDN documentation,

  • It is recommended that only interactive elements have a tabindex attribute.
  • Avoid assigning tabindex values higher than 0 whenever possible.

Setting a positive value for the tabindex attribute on an element allows it to be focused, but this focusability does not automatically extend to its children.

In standard HTML, achieving focusability for every child of an element without individually assigning tabindex="0" to them seems impractical. One convenient approach would be to utilize JavaScript as shown below:

/// enable focus for specific elements
).forEach(item => item.tabIndex = 0);

/// disable focus for certain elements
).forEach(item => item.tabIndex = -1);

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