Delicate seams break up the different sections of the webpage

I'm facing an issue with my website where thin lines are appearing between each section when previewed in Safari and Chrome, but not in Firefox (as shown in the images). I've checked the CSS code for each section in Dreamweaver, where the lines do not appear. I can't seem to figure out what's causing this. Any help would be appreciated.

Below is the HTML code:


Here is the relevant CSS Code associated with the sections:


Thin lines can be seen here

No lines visible while working in Dreamweaver

Answer №1

For those looking to style a thin line, adjusting the margin of the '.wrapper' class is key. Check out the CSS code below:

.wrapper {
background-color: #1A3F79;
margin: 6.2em 0;
position: relative;

Answer №2

If you're trying to achieve a certain goal, using CSS clip-path might be helpful. Adding vendor prefixes will ensure compatibility across different browsers.

Here are some links that could provide additional assistance: CSS Tricks - Clip Path

Bennett Feely - Clippy Tool

I hope this information proves useful!

Answer №3

.cover:before, .cover:after {
        height: 6.55em; /* Add .05em to the height */

Fixing it by increasing the height by .05em.

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