Expanding DIV Box with jQuery

Have you ever come across those cool jQuery Expandable box features that expand to reveal a larger image in the center of the screen when you click on a Thumbnail image?

But what if I want to achieve something similar, where instead of just an image inside the "box", I would like to have a div filled with HTML content such as pictures, text, and hyperlinks?

I've searched everywhere for a solution to this, but does it already exist? How can one go about creating something like this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you want to create a dialog box, you can achieve it by following this example:


JavaScript code:

    var rel = $(this).attr('rel');
    var $rel = $('#'+rel);
    var div = $('<div>').append($rel);
        width: 500,
        position: 'center'


HTML code:

<div class='more' rel='the_more'>MORE</div>

<div id='the_more' class='hide'>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tempor sodales neque, ac venenatis neque posuere eu. Ut accumsan augue magna, ac lacinia massa. Praesent ultricies luctus rhoncus. Duis at neque ullamcorper risus fermentum auctor. Phasellus id ipsum purus, quis pretium quam. Phasellus id ligula turpis, at lobortis lorem.<img src='http://placehold.it/333/fe4'/>' Vivamus ac ipsum felis, eu blandit nisi. Aliquam leo lorem, lacinia non feugiat nec, facilisis nec ipsum. Etiam sollicitudin laoreet lorem quis laoreet. In lacinia porta metus, dictum semper urna dapibus tempus. Vivamus non odio lorem, a dapibus elit. Etiam iaculis urna non erat rhoncus a vehicula odio ultricies. Aliquam dignissim, ipsum sed lacinia rhoncus, mauris risus aliquam quam, eu tempus magna purus vitae nunc. Nullam feugiat viverra lacinia. Quisque ultricies pretium magna et facilisis.

Answer №2

If you're looking to enhance your website with dynamic features, various JQuery plugins like can help you showcase diverse content seamlessly.

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