The image is non-adjustable to different screen sizes

Currently, I am in the process of revamping a friend's website using Next.js and Tailwind. However, I've encountered a challenge with the background image specifically on iPhones. While it appears fine on browsers like Chrome and Safari as well as in full window and phone variants, it somehow compresses itself only on iPhones. Any thoughts on why this might be happening? Below are screenshots illustrating how it looks on the browser in phone mode versus how it actually appears on an iPhone. Additionally, I have included the code snippet for reference. It's possible that I may have overlooked something significant. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to inquire if you require more information.

.custom-img2 {
  background-image: url(' ') ;

      <div className='flex items-center justify-center h-screen mb-12 bg-fixed bg-center bg-cover custom-img2 sm:custom-img2 md:custom-img2 lg:custom-img2'>
       <div className=' top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 bg-black/70 z-[2]' />
      <div className='p-5 text-white z-[2] mt-[-10rem] l '>
        <h2 className='text-5xl font-bold  '>About Us</h2>
        <p className='py-5 text-xl '></p>
      {/* Overlay */}

I have experimented with Tailwind screens and next/image extensively for a whole day without success.

Answer №1

sm, md, lg are used to adjust styling for different screen sizes in Tailwind, although it is designed for mobile-first approach so they may not always be necessary.

If you're experiencing issues with your image display, consider using the bg property in Tailwind which worked well across various devices for me.

      <div className="flex items-center justify-center h-screen mb-12 bg-fixed bg-center bg-cover bg-[url('')]">
        <div className=" top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 bg-black/70 z-[2]" />
        <div className="p-5 text-white z-[2] mt-[-10rem] l ">
          <h2 className="text-5xl font-bold  ">About Us</h2>
          <p className="py-5 text-xl "></p>

Answer №2

After countless months of struggling to find a solution on my website, I have finally cracked the code on this issue.

To ensure that your image is responsive on iPhones, you must include both of these classes:

class="bg-contain bg-cover"

If desired, you can also add bg-local and bg-center for further customization. Here's a snippet of my own code with a responsive image:

<div class="h-screen bg-cover bg-center bg-local md:bg-fixed bg-contain bg-no-repeat md:bg-cover md:bg-center md:mb-[-40px] max-w-screen-sm md:max-w-none bg-image-1" style="background-image: url('{% static 'about/image_1.JPG' %}'">

Although your code editor may flag it as redundant CSS, rest assured that after hours of trial and error, using both classes is the only reliable way to achieve responsiveness for large images on iPhones with Tailwind CSS.

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