Is it possible to override CSS classes in Ionic without using app.scss?

I'm currently working on designing a dark theme for my ionic application by watching this tutorial. It's been effective for most of the classes, however, I've encountered some CSS classes that only respond to overrides in app.scss. If I try to override them in theme.dark.scss, they don't seem to change at all.

For instance, take the Ionic alert class .alert-md .alert-wrapper.

When I modify the background-color and color in app.scss, the changes are reflected. Yet, when I attempt the same modifications in theme.dark.scss, nothing happens.

Even adding !important in theme.dark.scss doesn't result in the background-color and color changes for that class.

Is there a way to successfully override the CSS in the theme.dark.scss file? Your help is much appreciated.

Answer №1

To customize your background color, simply modify the values in the variables.scss file or overwrite the existing settings for the background color.

Answer №2

To change the theme to dark in Variable.css, you need to modify the code as shown below:

// From
@import "ionic.theme.default";

// To
@import "ionic.theme.dark";

After making this update, your theme will appear dark and you can adjust it further according to your requirements.

For a detailed explanation, please visit the following link:

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