Strategies for selecting glyphs in SVG fonts based on their Unicode properties

My goal is to extract specific characters from SVG fonts created for music engraving. Music fonts typically include a large collection of characters (> 3500), but I only require a small subset of them for caching glyphs in compressed form to ensure quick access.

An example of a typical glyph node looks like this:

<glyph unicode="&#xe050;" horiz-adv-x="621" d="...">

To achieve this, I need to identify the necessary glyphs by their "unicode" attribute. I believe this can be done using querySelector or jQuery.

However, I am struggling with how the selector should be formatted. The following simple selector does not seem to work:

var myGlyph = document.querySelector("glyph[unicode=e050]");

Another challenge I face is that some glyphs have more than one unicode codepoint:

<glyph unicode="&#xe058;&#xe880;" horiz-adv-x="671" d="...">

I understand that I need to create the appropriate selector to handle both cases. As a newcomer to this field, I do not fully grasp the syntax of selectors outlined in the existing documentation.

Could someone provide guidance on this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

After much research and experimentation, I have uncovered the solution to the problem mentioned earlier. Below, you will find the details in hopes that it may prove helpful.

For the first scenario, the selector can be constructed as follows:

const myGlyph = document.querySelector('glyph[unicode="\ue050"]');

In the second situation, one simply needs to concatenate the unicode codepoints like so:

const myGlyph = document.querySelector('glyph[unicode="\ue058\ue880"]');

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