Having trouble with Viewport CSS being restricted by Blogger?

I've been working on configuring my personal blog, which is hosted on Blogger, to properly adapt to the Windows 8 IE snap feature. Through my research online, it has been suggested that I include a @viewport in the CSS.

However, it seems like the CSS for @viewport is somehow being overridden - when I tested a portion of the source code on a separate file, it worked fine. It looks like there might be something specific to Blogger causing this issue.

Just to clarify:

  • The blog responds correctly on normal desktop browsers and mobile devices (IE 11 desktop and IE 11 mobile).

  • When snapped in Metro IE, the blog does not respond properly - instead, the website gets scaled.

  • The addition of @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } in the CSS should prevent Metro IE from automatically scaling.

  • Even after adding @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; } to the Blog's CSS, it continues to get scaled by Metro IE.

  • Interestingly, when testing the < head > code locally, the local file is not automatically scaled by Metro IE as expected.

You can check out the blog here:

In my CSS, I am using @-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }, which is internally coded.

Answer №1

Upon further investigation, I was able to replicate the issue by closing and reopening a tab, which I had not done initially.

I identified the culprit as the following markup language:

<meta content='IE=9' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>

According to online sources, this directive instructs IE to render in IE 9 mode when possible. This could explain why a simple refresh did not trigger the issue.

As a solution, I have removed this specific markup language.

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