Updating checkbox Icon in Yii2

Is there a way to customize the checkbox icon when it is checked in Yii2? Currently, I am adding a checkbox inside a div along with an icon:

<i class="fa fa-check-circle icon-check-circle"></i>
. However, the checkbox shows a default check symbol. How can I change it to display my preferred icon instead? Thank you.

<div class="box-div-buttontoadd">
    <i class="fa fa-check-circle icon-check-circle"></i>
    <div class="div_row buttons hidden-xs">
        <?= $form->field($model,'addedToCard')->checkbox([
            'id' => 'products-addedtocard-'. $model->id,
            'class' => 'addedtocard-chk'
        ]); ?>

Can font awesome icons be used instead of the default checkbox tick symbol?

Answer №1

Consider updating the icon using CSS. There are numerous examples available, such as this. Remember to apply the element class, either .addedtocard-chk in your case or simply input[type="checkbox"]. Ensure you have the FontAwesome CSS and include it in your project directory.

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