HTML input field's placeholder text is truncated at the end

My HTML input form has a field with placeholder text that extends beyond the padding and gets cut off at the end.

I am unable to pinpoint the source of this issue.

Answer №1

Looking into the root cause of an issue, I discovered that it was not related to any custom CSS that I had implemented:

Further investigation revealed that the culprit behind the problem was actually the Chrome "X" button within the input field:

To resolve this issue, one would need to utilize the experimental CSS pseudo-element ::-webkit-search-cancel-button and adjust its display property to none. However, I have chosen not to pursue this solution.

::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
    display: none;

I am sharing this information in case it may be beneficial to others facing a similar dilemma.

Answer №2

Utilizing text-overflow: ellipsis; is another option to consider. This CSS property dictates how overflow content that is hidden is presented to users. It can either be clipped, show an ellipsis ('…'), or display a specified string. To view a demonstration, check out the link provided below:

See text-overflow in action

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