Tips for customizing the appearance of a jQuery sortable target list prior to dropping items

When using jquery sortable, I am able to customize a placeholder inside a connected list specified in the connectWith option to visualize where the content will be dropped. However, I am struggling to find a way to style the actual list that contains the placeholder.

Here is my code setup:


<div class="sortable">
    <div class="item"></div>
<div class="sortable"></div>
<div class="sortable"></div>


    connectWith: ".sortable",
    over: function(event, ui){
        //add class .hover to list
    change: function(event, ui) {
        //style placeholder
            visibility: 'visible',
            background: '#EEE'

Check out the demo here

Answer №1

After consulting Alteyss's suggestion, I have made adjustments to style the parent item by including additional lines for events such as over, stop, and out:

    connectWith: ".sortable",
    stop: function(event,ui){
    over: function(event,ui){
        // Adding class .hover to list
    out: function(event,ui){
    change: function(event, ui) {
        // Styling placeholder
            visibility: 'visible',
            background: '#EEE'

Check out the updated demo here.

Answer №2

Another method for customizing the placeholder style :

When you drag a box, you'll notice a tag with a class associated with the placeholder:


Create a unique class to override the default styles:

  //Custom Style Here

Edit: Applying the hover effect

Implement a function in jQuery to manage the hover class and execute it within the event parameters:

    // Your function
    var addClass = function (jQueryElement, add) {
        // Add or remove the class based on the boolean value
        if (add) {
            //Adding class using addClass function from jQuery
        else {
            //Removing class using removeClass function from jQuery

    // Plugin Setup
        connectWith: ".sortable",
        over: function(event,ui){
            var elementsToChange = $(".ui-sortable-placeholder").parents(".sortable");
            addClass(elementsToChange, true);
        out: function(event,ui){
            var elementsToChange = $(".ui-sortable-placeholder").parents(".sortable");
            addClass(elementsToChange, false);
        stop: function(event,ui){
            addClass(".sortable", false);
        change: function(event, ui) {
            //Styling the placeholder
                visibility: 'visible',
                background: '#EEE'

Check out this cool Fiddle!

Explore more events in the documentation here :

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