Encountering a problem with Material UI where the drop-down options are appearing below the footer of the modal window

Hey there, I'm currently using Material UI and React Select. One issue I've run into is that my dropdown options are appearing below the modal window.

You can check out the code sandbox demo here

I've tried adjusting the z-index and changing the position value to absolute, but haven't had any success yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is due to the overflow-y rule being applied in two different areas: the dialog paper and the dialog content. To resolve this, you can utilize material-ui styling to override these rules:

import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  paperFullWidth: {
    overflowY: 'visible'
  dialogContentRoot: {
    overflowY: 'visible'

Then, you can assign these classes to your component:

const classes = useStyles();
          paperFullWidth: classes.paperFullWidth
          root: classes.dialogContentRoot

You can view a demo of this solution on CodeSandbox

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