Any ideas on how to successfully implement this CSS text-decoration override?

There are moments when I question my sanity, and today seems to be one of them. Despite what I thought was a straightforward CSS code, it's just not functioning properly. What could I possibly be overlooking?

Here is the CSS snippet in question:

ul > li {
    text-decoration: none;
ul > li.u {
    text-decoration: underline;
ul > li > ul > li {
    text-decoration: none;
ul > li > ul > li.u {
    text-decoration: underline;

And here is the corresponding HTML code:

  <li>Should not be underlined</li>
  <li class="u">Should be underlined
      <li>Should not be underlined</li>
      <li class="u">Should be underlined</li>

Despite all this, the output still doesn't look quite right:

Answer №1

text-decoration behaves differently compared to other font and text styles, such as font-weight. When you apply text-decoration, it will affect all nested elements as well.

For more information, you can visit:

Here's an excerpt from the source:

Text decorations on inline boxes are drawn across the entire element, spanning across any descendant elements without taking their presence into account. The 'text-decoration' property on descendant elements does not impact the decoration of the main element.
. . . .
Some user agents have implemented text-decoration by extending the decoration to descendant elements instead of simply drawing it through the elements as described above. This was arguably allowed due to the vague language in CSS2.

This information was sourced from:

Answer №2

To eliminate the text-decoration that is applied to a parent element in certain scenarios, you can follow these guidelines:

  • Elements out of flow, like floated and absolutely positioned elements

    li {
      float: left; /* Prevent text-decoration inheritance from ul */
      clear: both; /* One li per line */
    ul { overflow: hidden; } /* Clearfix */

    ul {
      overflow: hidden; /* Clearfix */
    li {
      float: left; /* Prevent text-decoration inheritance from ul */
      clear: both; /* One li per line */
    li.u {
      text-decoration: underline;
      <li>Should not be underlined</li>
      <li class="u">Should be underlined
          <li>Should not be underlined</li>
          <li class="u">Should be underlined</li>

  • Inline-level atomic elements, such as inline blocks and inline tables

    If you use li{display:inline-block}, bullets will be removed (loses display:list-item) and items will appear next to each other.

    To display one item per line, you can do this:

    li {
      display: inline-block; /* Avoid text-decoration propagation from ul */
      width: 100%;           /* One li per line */

    You can add bullets using ::before pseudo-elements. However, bullets should not be underlined, so they need to be taken out-of-flow or made atomic inline-level too.

    li {
      display: inline-block; /* Avoid text-decoration propagation from ul */
      width: 100%;           /* One li per line */
    li:before {
      content: '• ';         /* Insert bullet */
      display: inline-block; /* Avoid text-decoration propagation from li */
      white-space: pre-wrap; /* Don't collapse whitespace */
    li.u {
      text-decoration: underline;
      <li>Should not be underlined</li>
      <li class="u">Should be underlined
          <li>Should not be underlined</li>
          <li class="u">Should be underlined</li>

This behavior is described in CSS 2.1 and CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3:

Note that text decorations are not passed down to any out-of-flow descendants, nor to the contents of atomic inline-level descendants like inline blocks and inline tables.

Answer №3

Jessica's response from earlier perfectly clarifies why achieving your desired outcome is not straightforward. Don't worry, you're not alone!

Potential solutions to consider:

  • Experiment with using border-bottom instead?
  • Enclose the specific text requiring underlining within a span class="u" element? (to avoid affecting nested elements with text decoration)
  • If altering the structure isn't an option, implementing some scripting could emulate the effect proposed in my previous suggestion.

Wishing you success in resolving this issue!

Answer №4

The reason you are observing the current display is due to the precedence of your CSS rule

ul > li.u


ul > li > ul > li

Since a class is specified, it carries more weight than multiple element selectors combined.

Edit: One approach you could take is:

.u ul {
        text-decoration: none;
.u {
        text-decoration: underline;

and experiment with that (you may need to use li.u instead of just .u).

However, depending on the content, you might consider wrapping the underlined parts in q, em, or strong tags and styling these tags instead of using a class. This way, you not only style your content but also describe it.

Answer №5

While dealing with a similar issue involving an external theme/CSS, I encountered a problem trying to remove the text-decoration: none;. Despite attempting to apply display: inline-block;, it didn't produce the desired result on a child element containing a link that should have been underlined.

The solution that worked for me included overriding the text-decoration as well as adding !important to ensure it took precedence over the parent's text-decoration.

// Originally defined in an unmodifiable external CSS file.
.footer {
    text-decoration: none;

// Customized in my own CSS file.
.footer a {
    text-decoration: underline !important;

In your case, a similar approach might resolve the issue (though not directly tested):

ul > li > ul > li {
    text-decoration: none !important;

Answer №6

I have discovered that the most pristine method is simply matching the underline with the background's color.

Answer №7

.u {text-decoration: underline;}

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