What is the best way to modify this CSS code for use in a React Native

Encountering an issue while trying to apply this CSS property in a React Native project.

border-radius: 50% / 100%;

Attempting the following:

borderRadius: '50% / 100%'

An error message is displayed stating "Java.lang.string cannot be cast to java.lang.double".

Answer №1

To prevent using / in the shorthand property of border-radius, the code should be split as follows:

border-radius: 50% / 100%;

This can be rewritten as:

border-top-left-radius: 50% 100%;
border-top-right-radius: 50% 100%;
border-bottom-right-radius: 50% 100%;
border-bottom-left-radius: 50% 100%;

Answer №2

When working with react-native, it's not possible to apply percentage values to borderRadius; you must stick to using numerical values instead.

One approach is to initially set a larger borderRadius, then utilize the onLayout method to determine the actual width of the view and adjust the border radius accordingly. Alternatively, you could simply set a higher borderRadius from the start.

However, the most recommended solution would be to directly calculate the dimensions and divide them by 2 for an accurate result.

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