Strategies for avoiding unused style tags in React components

Expanding beyond React, I'm unsure if React itself is the culprit of this issue.

In a React environment with TypeScript, I utilize CSS imports in component files to have specific stylesheets for each component. I assumed these styles would only be added to the <head> element when the respective component is instantiated. However, I noticed that if I import a component from a file that reexports all components, the styles of unused components are still injected into the DOM.

For instance, let's consider two simple components - Avatar and Button located in the lib folder:

import React from 'react';

import './avatar.css';

const Avatar: React.FC = (props: any) => {
  return (
    <div className="avatar">
export { Avatar };

Then, I create an index.ts file to reexport the components for easier import paths:

import { Avatar } from './Avatar';
import { Button } from './Button';

export { Avatar, Button };

Subsequently, in my AppComponent, I intend to use only the Button:

import React from 'react';
import { Button } from './lib';

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
    </div >

export default App;

To my astonishment, the <style> tags in the <head> include not just the Button styles, but also those of Avatar. Why does this occur? Is there an issue with my reexport configuration?

If I directly import the component from its file like so -

import { Button } from './lib/Button'
- I do not encounter the Avatar styles.

While this example is simplistic, the actual scenario pertains to a React component library comprising numerous components with their individual stylesheets. My objective is to mitigate the insertion of unnecessary <style> tags in the DOM unless absolutely necessary.

Your time and assistance are greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It is a common misconception that each component has its own specific stylesheet and the styles are only added to the element when the component is instantiated.

This assumption is incorrect. React utilizes webpack to bundle its files, and webpack actually loads all CSS files that your project depends on and injects them into the <head> element right from the start.

You may wonder: How can I maintain separate styles for each component without mixing them up?
There are three solutions to this:

  1. A recommended approach is to Use CSS Modules.
  2. Another suggestion is to assign a className to the <div> wrapping your component with the same name as the component itself:
export default class ComponentOne extends Component {
  render() {
      <div className="ComponentOne">

Your component's CSS file will then appear like so:

.ComponentOne div img {
.ComponentOne .class-one {

Incorporating a CSS preprocessor such as SASS in this method can prove beneficial, as your .scss file will simply begin with:

.ComponentOne {
  1. Alternatively, you can include the styles as an object within your component. This confines the style to the component and removes it upon unmounting. However, this restricts the ease of implementing @media queries and other effects like :hover, making it less suitable for frequently mounted/unmounted small components as it can lead to performance issues in larger applications.

Another question may arise: If all stylesheets are imported at the beginning, why not consolidate all styles into one large sheet instead of splitting them up?

In addition to facilitating manageability by organizing styles into distinct CSS files for each component, having separate styles also allows webpack to handle importing them efficiently. Another advantage is illustrated with an example:
Imagine you have a feature1 component along with its corresponding feature1.css file. Initially, whenever you include feature1 in your main app, webpack imports its stylesheet and includes it in the <head> element.
However, if you opt to stop using feature1 component in favor of another component like feature2 which has its own feature2.css file, webpack will no longer import feature1.css once no other component references feature1 component.

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