Arrows on the button are unresponsive and there seems to be an incorrect number of

I've been working on a project by combining various examples I found online. I'm puzzled as to why it's displaying all the buttons at once instead of just one per page, and why the number of visible buttons decreases by one with each right click. Additionally, clicking the left arrow results in a blank screen.

If you click the right arrow after clicking the left arrow, you get stuck on a page with only one button, while the left arrow still shows a blank screen.

The goal is to have only one button on the screen at a time and be able to switch between different buttons using the right and left arrows. This is for an idle mine game.

Answer №1

Understanding the functionality of your code is crucial... It seems that the jQuery component is applying the class hide to certain list items for hiding and removing it from others to display them.

1] Initially, all buttons are visible because none of the items have the hide class applied to them. To fix this, either add the attribute class="hide" to all list items in HTML or create a JavaScript function to run on page load.

2] To address the inconsistent behavior of the left & right buttons, compare the jQuery functions as they are not performing identical operations. Align the left button's operation with the right one for consistency.

For the right button:

arrowRightCount = arrowRightCount + 3;
arrowLeftCount = arrowLeftCount - 3;

For the left button:

arrowLeftCount = arrowLeftCount - 3;
arrowRightCount = arrowRightCount - 3;

3] If you intend to display only one button, adjust the value from 3 to 1 in the jQuery script to ensure only one button is displayed.

Tip: Use distinct names for buttons to easily identify which button is currently displayed and its sequence.

Update: Although not extensively familiar with jQuery, the code can be simplified.
Review the updated jQuery, where the specific list items are targeted for adding/removing classes instead of all items. The modification now applies actions only to the prev/next elements based on the counter (cntr) to determine the current position.
Refer to this jsfiddle link for the output.

var mincount = 0; 
var maxcount = 10;
var cntr = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {

  $(".step-box .arrow-right").click(function(e) {
    if(cntr >= mincount && cntr < maxcount){
      $("#mines > li:eq(" + cntr + ")").addClass('hide');
      cntr = cntr + 1;
      $("#mines > li:eq(" + cntr + ")").removeClass('hide');

  $(".step-box .arrow-left").click(function(e) {
    if(cntr > mincount && cntr <= maxcount){
      $("#mines > li:eq(" + cntr + ")").addClass('hide');
      cntr = cntr - 1;
      $("#mines > li:eq(" + cntr + ")").removeClass('hide');


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