Hacking through external script injections into the browser

Curious about how certain software or programs are able to inject html,css,js into a web browser without the need for installing any extensions. Every time I open Chrome or Firefox, I'm bombarded with ads on popular sites like Google homepage, Facebook, and YouTube. I want to understand the process behind this injection, ways to prevent it, and how to identify which program is responsible.

Here is a screenshot of my Google homepage on Chrome

Despite having all extensions disabled and even deleted most of them, these injections persist

One concerning observation is that in Google Chrome's developer tools (resources), the URL of the displayed image matches the URL of the Google logo. However, when I visit this URL directly, I find the genuine Google logo instead.

Answer №1

It appears that there is a malicious software infecting your computer.

Please note:

There are various potential issues to consider:

  1. An unknown entity might be tampering with your network requests and altering images.
  2. Your copy of Chrome may have been replaced by a customized version created by a third party. Since the base code is open-source, this modified version could contain harmful elements.

Answer №2

It's important to remember that content defacement can also occur at the Router/Proxy level. Certain routers come equipped with content filters and domain blacklists designed for child protection purposes. It's possible that a joke or intentional alteration was made at the router level, perhaps through a content replacement filter.

  • Firstly, scan your computer with spybot and kaspersky
  • Next, inspect your router settings
  • Lastly, review your firewall and all network filtering configurations

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