What is the best way for me to make my hamburger animation play in reverse?

Having trouble achieving smooth animation effects.

I've designed a burger icon using three divs:

<div class="container">
<div class="burger-contain">
    <div id="line-1" class="line"></div>
    <div id="line-2" class="line"></div>
    <div id="line-3" class="line"></div>

I have defined separate keyframes for each line:

.line:first-child {
   animation-name: firstChild;
   transform-origin: 30px 25px;
   animation-duration: 0.5s;
   animation-fill-mode: forwards;
   margin: 10px;

Here are the keyframes used:

@keyframes firstChild {
0% {transform: translateY(0);}
50% {transform: translateY(10px);}
100% {transform: rotate(-45deg);}

All three lines have slightly different animations. The second line disappears, while the third moves up instead of down.

To achieve the click function, I utilized jQuery to toggle between classes as follows:


var line = $(".line");
var burger = $(".burger-contain")
var toggled = false;


function triggerAnimation(){
   if (toggled === false){
   toggled = true;
} else {

   toggled = false; 



To reverse the animation, I intended to use animation-direction: reverse; in my CSS like this:

.line:first-child.reverse {
animation-name: firstChild;
transform-origin: 30px 25px;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
margin: 10px;
animation-direction: reverse;

This is applied to all three lines. However, an issue arises where the animation stops functioning after the initial run. There seems to be no transition between the states, causing the animation to only work once in both directions - from Burger to Cross and vice versa.

Is there a flaw in my logic or am I misunderstanding the concept behind reversing animations?

Answer №1

Your understanding of the reverse concept may not be entirely accurate.

When an animation is set to play in reverse, it essentially goes back to its end state and starts over again with each cycle. The animation steps are reversed, and even the timing functions change accordingly—like ease-in becoming ease-out.source

In your scenario, adding the 'reverse' attribute after the animation has already concluded will not restart the animation; instead, it will just swap the start and end states.

Let's consider a simple example. On hover, you'll notice a sudden jump in the animation instead of a fluid direction change because we have reversed the entire animation without adjusting the element's position. It's akin to observing a reflection in a mirror:

.box {
  animation:change 5s linear forwards;

@keyframes change {
  from {transform:translateX(0)}
  to {transform:translateX(300px)}

body:hover .box{
<div class="box">


After the animation completes, you can clearly see how the first and last states switch when hovering.

An alternate approach would be using transitions instead of animations, requiring less code for the effect.

Note: I've utilized 'hover,' but this can easily be replaced with a class toggle.

.menu {
    linear-gradient(#000,#000) center/100% 10px no-repeat;
  transition:all 0s 0.5s;
  transition:0.5s 0.5s top,0.5s 0.5s bottom,0.5s transform;
.menu:before {
.menu:after {

.menu:hover {
  background-size:0px 0px;

.menu:hover:before {
  top:calc(50% - 5px);
  transition:0.5s top,0.5s 0.5s transform;

.menu:hover:after {
  bottom:calc(50% - 5px);
  transition:0.5s bottom,0.5s 0.5s transform;
<div class="menu">

Answer №2

Here is a working example: https://jsfiddle.net/upnhcw69/38/

The solution involves utilizing 2 animations and switching between them to ensure they are triggered correctly.

Upon the first click, the `firstChild` animation is activated, followed by the activation of the `firstChild2` animation upon the second click. These animations are defined using two classes with distinct properties.

   height: 10px;
   width: 100px;
   margin: 10px;

@keyframes firstChild {
  0% {transform: translateY(0);}
  50% {transform: translateY(10px);}
  100% {transform: rotate(-45deg);}

@keyframes firstChild2 {
  0% {transform: rotate(-45deg);}
  50% {transform: translateY(10px);}
  100% {transform: rotate(0deg);}

.animate {
   animation-name: firstChild;
   transform-origin: 30px 25px;
   animation-duration: 0.5s;
   animation-fill-mode: forwards;

.reverse {
    animation-name: firstChild2;
   transform-origin: 30px 25px;
   animation-duration: 0.5s;

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