Modify the text color of all input elements with Tailwind

I have been using this code in multiple sections of the app:

<label className="input text-neutral-content">
   <input type="text" className="grow text-base-content"/>

While I understand that tailwind promotes inline styling, is there a way to globally define the text color for labels and inputs so that I don't have to constantly repeat text-neutral-content and text-base-content for each input field?

Answer №1

Absolutely. To define your default styles in the global.css file, you can use the following format:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

    @layer base {
      h1 {
        @apply text-2xl;
      h2 {
        @apply text-xl;
      input {
       @apply text-base-content
      /* ... */

For more information, check out:

Answer №2

Using the '@apply' directive enables you to combine your class with an already existing Tailwind class. This can be done by adding it directly in your CSS file, as shown below:

.title {
    @apply font-bold text-blue-500;

Answer №3

To tackle this issue, there are a couple of methods available:

1. Incorporating tailwind.config.js configuration:

Defining color schemes:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ["./public/**/*.{html,js}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        "ligth-coffee": "#C89F94"
  plugins: [],


<p class="text-ligth-coffee">text color</p>

2. Crafting a customized class in global.css:

Crafted class pxh-text-red:

.pxh-text-red {
    @apply red;


<p class="pxh-text-red">text color</p>

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