Library written in JavaScript for extracting CSS that is relevant

Is there a JavaScript tool available that can extract the style information from HTML code?

For instance, when given the following HTML snippet, it would output a style block containing all the computed styles applied to each of those elements?


<div class="container no-wrap">


    <footer class="thumbnail">


// This library/utility has analyzed all elements and identified all styling rules 
// applied to those elements and associated classes
<style type="text/css">

    div {
        margin: 0;
        background-color: red;

    p {
        font-size: 16px;
        font-family: arial;

    span {
        color: #fff;

    footer {


    .container {

    .no-wrap {

    .thumbnail {

Answer №1

A library is not required for this task. You can loop through the `document.styleSheets` array and access the `.rules` property of each `CSSStyleSheet` to retrieve the `.selectorText` and `.cssText` properties.

for (let sheet of document.styleSheets) {
  for (let rules of sheet.rules) {
    let {selectorText, cssText} = rules;
    console.log(selectorText, cssText)
  div {

Answer №2

If you want to access the computed property of each element within the document, along with their corresponding properties and values, you can utilize the Object.entries() method in conjunction with window.getComputedProperty()

for (let el of document.querySelectorAll("*")) {
  for (let [k, val] of Object.entries(window.getComputedStyle(el))) {
    console.log(el.tagName,, el.className, k, val)
  div {
    color: red;

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