Steps for aligning an image to the right using Bootstrap Vue

I'm currently learning Bootstrap Vue and I'm trying to align an image on the right using a b-card header. The challenge I'm facing is that when I add the image, it disrupts the perfect size of the template header, causing the image to show a bit underneath but still aligning to the right. Here's the codepen link for reference:

<b-card header-tag="header">
  <template #header>
    <b-img right src="" alt="Right image"></b-img>


Answer №1

To create a layout using the Bootstrap grid system, you can follow this example:

<b-card header-tag="header">
  <template #header>
    <b-row align-h="between" class="align-items-center">
      <h4 class="mb-0">b-img</h4>
      <b-col cols="auto">
        <b-img right src="" alt="Right image"></b-img>

The use of b-row with align-h="between" ensures horizontal alignment with space between elements. The <h4> and image are positioned within the 1st and 2nd columns respectively, and cols="auto" in b-col allows for automatic width adjustment.

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