Transform the HTML content into a JSON format file

I'm currently developing an online marketplace and trying to convert all product information like name, price, and description into json format. I have a sample code featuring a selection of products displayed in rows.

<div class='cakes'>
    <div class='col-3'>
        <img src = 'Images/banana cake.jpg'>
        <h4>Banana Cake</h4>
        <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>
    <div class='col-3'>
        <img src = 'Images/pastry_box_1.jpg'>
        <h4>Pastry Box</h4>
        <p>Mini: &#8373;35 | Midi: &#8373;50 | Maxi: &#8373;90</p>
        <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>
    <div class='col-3'>
        <img src = 'Images/cupcakes_12.jpg'>
        <p>Box of 4: &#8373;30 |  Box of 12: &#8373;85 | Box of 6: &#8373;40</p>
        <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>

My goal is to compile each product's details into a .json file for my JavaScript implementation, but I'm uncertain on the required steps. The tutorial resources that I'm following include a .json file with the product info, however, the process of creating it has not been explained. Consequently, I'm struggling to proceed as intended.

Answer №1

It's quite surprising that the JSON responsible for creating the cart is missing.

But fear not, I have it right here!

const items = [...document.querySelectorAll(".cakes div")].map(div => {
  const name = div.querySelector("h4").textContent;
  const picture = div.querySelector("img").getAttribute("src");
  const description = div.querySelector("p").innerHTML;
  return {

const cartJSON = JSON.stringify(items)
<div class='cakes'>
  <div class='col-3'>
    <img src='Images/banana cake.jpg'>
    <h4>Banana Cake</h4>
    <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>
  <div class='col-3'>
    <img src='Images/pastry_box_1.jpg'>
    <h4>Pastry Box</h4>
    <p>Mini: &#8373;35 | Midi: &#8373;50 | Maxi: &#8373;90</p>
    <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>
  <div class='col-3'>
    <img src='Images/cupcakes_12.jpg'>
    <p>Box of 4: &#8373;30 | Box of 12: &#8373;85 | Box of 6: &#8373;40</p>
    <button class='add-to-cart' data-id='1'>Add To Cart</button>

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