Concealing the TinyNav Drop-Down Menu

Currently, I am utilizing TinyNav on my website and it is working wonderfully. However, due to our extensive menu system, the tinynav dropdown appears quite large. I have been attempting to figure out a way to hide all sub-menus without success.

I experimented with using media queries like this:

@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {
#tinynav1 > li > ul > li, #tinynav1 > li > ul > li > a {
#tinynav1 > li > ul {

Answer №1

I noticed one thing missing in this code - you should add a semicolon after "none". However, it seems like it's not enough code to fully assist you :) Do you have a link to the page? Or could you create the navigation on

@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {

    #tinynav1 li ul li, #tinynav1 li ul li  a {
    #tinynav1 li ul {


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