What is the best method for locating X-Path for elements inside a frameset?

I need help creating a test case for Selenium because I am struggling to locate elements on my website. The issue seems to be related to the fact that my site uses an HTML frame set.

When I try to select all links using Firebug:


I do not get any results, even though there are around 15+ links in the 'menu' frame.

If I right-click within the menu frame and choose "Show Only This Frame", then attempt to select all links in Firebug, all 15+ links appear.

This makes me think that X-Path may not be able to iterate through elements within a specific frame. Is this correct?

When all frames are displayed on the site, I can select the specific frame:


However, trying to navigate to the links starting with that X-Path does not seem to work:

//frame[@name='menu']@@@//a <-- Introducing the special '@@@' syntax I read about somewhere.

Any assistance with solving this using X-Paths would be greatly appreciated. If a CSS selector could work as well, some guidance in that direction would also be helpful. Thank you!


Answer №1

Start by picking the appropriate iframe and focus on the xpaths within that specific frame.

Example script in Python

iframe_id = driver.execute_script("return document.getElementById('FrameID').getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].getAttribute('Attribute')")

# Now you can interact with the xpaths

This approach should be beneficial, unless I misconstrued the original inquiry.

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