Utilizing Electron to save editable user data in a .txt file

I am making an electron app that converts data from .txt files to Javascript arrays. This data is stored inside a folder called faces in the main directory. I also have a button in my app which, when clicked opens file explorer at the faces folder so the user can edit the .txt files. This works fine when running npm start, but then when I use electron builder to package my app, the app can no longer find the .txt files and the user cannot edit them (giving me lots of errors). Is there some way to have a folder of .txt files that the app uses to draw information from with Electron builder?


Below is the JS used:

//Import Lists from .txt files

var ears = fs.readFileSync('faces/ears.txt', 'utf8').split('\n');
var mouths = fs.readFileSync('faces/mouths.txt', 'utf8').split('\n');
var eyes = fs.readFileSync('faces/eyes.txt', 'utf8').split('\n');

//Opens faces txt docs in file explorer

function edit() {
    shell.openItem(require('electron').remote.app.getAppPath() + '/faces')

Here is what happens when I open the packaged app (this is the win-unpacked result but the error is the same for .exe which runs with the installer):

As you can see it does not load an information and you can see it cannot find the faces folder or the .txt files.

Answer №1

The issue seems to be caused by the use of different path-joining characters in various operating systems.

You will notice that before your suffix, /faces, every slash was a backslash (\).

To resolve this problem, consider utilizing the path module.

const path = require(path)


function edit() {
    path.resolve(require('electron').remote.app.getAppPath(), 'faces')

Answer №2

The constructed application is attempting to write data within its own folder. While this may work during development, it is not possible in a production environment due to the app being packaged as an asar archive (app.asar). The error message indicates that the app is trying to write inside app.asas, which is not a valid directory for writing operations.

To resolve this issue, consider storing this type of information in directories related to user configurations and preferences, rather than where the application is installed.

You can refer to https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/app#appgetpathname for guidance on retrieving the correct path.

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