The CSS effect fails to take effect following an AJAX response

After a successful ajax response, I am attempting to apply a jQuery .css effect. However, it seems that this process is not working as expected because I am trying to retrieve the height of a newly created element and then applying it to another newly created element. My goal is to move the .opts div to the bottom based on the dynamic height of the .col-4 div.

You can view the code pen here:

Upon opening the code pen, you can execute this code in the console:

and observe that it works perfectly. But how can I make this work following a successful ajax response?


Below is my JavaScript code where I might have made a mistake:


function loadImgs(){
    $.post("anurl.php", function(data){

        //Some data processing occurs here

        var out = "<div class='col-4'><img src='imgpathalt' alt='imgpath'></div>";
        out += "<div class='col-2'>";
            out += "<img src='imgpath2' alt='imgpath2alt'>";
            out += "<div class='opts'>";
                out += "<button>add</button>";
                out += "<button>rm</button>";
            out += "</div>";
        out += "</div>";

        var col4Height = $(".col-4").height();
        $(".opts").css("margin-top",col4Height); //this does not work

Answer №1

The issue here is that when you add the margin-top to those elements, the images are still loading. This means that at that moment, the height of .col-4 is only as big as the buttons. You need to wait for the images to finish loading before updating the margin to match the height of .col-4.

A more effective approach would be to generate the elements dynamically instead of including them in a string of HTML. By doing this, you can attach a load event to the image like so-


Then, update the margin once the image has loaded using this function-

function imgLoaded() {
$(".opts").css("margin-top", $(".col-4").height();); 

Of course, another way to achieve the desired result in your code is by using the html onload attribute.


function loadImgs(){

        //Do something with the data here
        //This URL is just for testing purposes

        var out = "<div class='col-4'><img src='' alt='https://bit .ly/3tI1rWa' onload='imgLoaded()'></div>";
        out += "<div class='col-2'>";
            out += "<img src='' alt='https://bit .ly/3tI1rWa'>";
            out += "<div class='opts'>";
                out += "<button>add</button>";
                out += "<button>rm</button>";
            out += "</div>";
        out += "</div>";



function imgLoaded() {
    $(".opts").css("margin-top", $(".col-4").height();); 

Answer №2

Everything is functioning properly.

Check out the code snippet here

I have made some adjustments to the CSS parameters and they are now visible.

        var col4Height = $(".col-4").height();


Also remember to use

as it needs to be positioned absolutely

I would approach it differently though.


async function loadImages(){}

async function doWork(){
    await loadImages();

    //perform additional tasks after images are loaded such as
    var col4Height = $(".col-4").height();



$(document).ready(async function() {
  await loadImgs();
 // Assume no images are loaded at the beginning.
  var imagesLoaded = 0
  // Count total number of images on the page once it has loaded.
  var totalImages = $("img").length

  // Increment count every time an image is loaded, when count equals total number of images,
  // call the allImagesLoaded() function.
  $("img").on("load", function (event) {
    if (imagesLoaded == totalImages) {

  function allImagesLoaded() {
    console.log("ALL IMAGES LOADED");

async function change(){
    if($(".col-4").height() != 0) {
   var col4Height = $(".col-4").height();
        $(".opts").css("padding",'10px'); //this does not work
        $(".opts").css("background",'green'); //this does not work
        $(".opts").css("margin-top",col4Height); //this does not work
async function loadImgs(){
   await $.post("",function(data){
        //Some process with the data here
        //Using that url for testing purposes

  var col4Height = $(".col-4").height();


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