"Utilizing nested div tags for precise positioning within a parent div tag

For days, I have been attempting to align 4 div tags (accommodation site widgets) within another div tag so that they are displayed in a single horizontal line side by side. Despite using CSS properties such as "float" and "display", only 2 out of the 4 divs are positioning correctly. To see the current result, visit . The CSS styling elements can be found either as inline styles in the HTML document or in the style sheet at .

I am not an expert, rather quite inexperienced. Despite my efforts to troubleshoot on my own, I am struggling with this issue. I hope that someone more knowledgeable could offer me some guidance. Thank you.

Answer №1

Here's a handy tip for you. Just include the following CSS code in your main div:

#review_widgets {
display: table-cell;
width: 1%;}

Your div will then appear horizontally.

Answer №2

To tackle this issue, one approach is to adjust the width of the parent element, .services, by setting it to 100%. Another option is to utilize display: inline-block for positioning instead of using floats, although the choice ultimately depends on personal preference. Additionally, applying box-sizing: border-box to the .services class can prevent overflow caused by padding. I hope these suggestions prove helpful.

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