Switching the background image with a single click and reverting it back with a double click using jquery

I am working on a project with multiple div elements which need their background images to change upon clicking and revert back to the original image when clicked again. Below is the CSS code for one of the divs, including its Class and ID:


background:url('cars.png') no-repeat center center;

There are 3 other divs using the same "class" but with different "id" attributes to assign unique background images.

I attempted to use toggleClass in jQuery/CSS to achieve this functionality, but it doesn't seem to work as expected:

background:url('mots.png') no-repeat center center;
$('#tab_box1').click(function() {

If you have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or any alternative methods to achieve the desired image switching behavior besides toggleClass, please let me know!

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is due to the precedence of CSS rules, where the id rule takes precedence over the class rule.

In this scenario, the background image is set using the id rule #tab_box1, and then an attempt is made to modify it using a class rule .one.

One way to address this is by using !important in the class rule like below:

.one {
    background:url('http://placehold.it/32/f00000') no-repeat center center !important;

Check out the demonstration here: Fiddle

A better solution would be to use classes instead of ids as shown below:

<div class="tab_box tab_box1">sadfsdf</div>

Instead of

<div id="tab_box1" class="tab_box">sadfsdf</div>

Then apply your styles to the new classes like this:

background:url('cars.png') no-repeat center center;

See the demonstration: Fiddle

Answer №2

If you want a div to act like a button, you can have it switch to a different image when the mouse is clicked down, and then return to the original image when the mouse button is released.

$("#button1").mousedown(function() {
    $(this).css({'background-image': 'url(image2.jpg)'}) 
    $(this).css({'background-image': 'url(image1.jpg)'}) 


<div id="button1" style="background-image:url('image1.jpg');"></div>


CSS background-image - What is the correct usage?

changing the background image on mouse down

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