Conceal elements within a div using the 'elementFromPoint' function

In my HTML, I have a div that contains an icon and some text.

I want to make it so that when I hover over the div with my mouse, only the div itself is visible to the 'elementFromPoint' function. How can I achieve this?

Here is an example of the code:

<div id="rightGazeOption_0" class="gazeLinkOption">
    <i style="outline: 0px none;" class="gazeLinkOptionIcon fa fa-external-link"></i><span>ElementName</span>
var myElement = document.elementFromPoint(/*CENTER OF DIV*/);

Currently, 'myElement' could be either the "< i >" or the "< span >" element, but I want it to refer to the div itself. How can I send the < i > and < span > elements to the background so that "elementFromPoint()" only detects the main div container?

Is this possible?

Answer №1

Learn how to access the parent node of an element:

var myElement = document.elementFromPoint(/*CENTER OF DIV*/).parentNode;

Another way is to use the closest() method as suggested by adaneo:

var myElement = document.elementFromPoint(/*CENTER OF DIV*/).closest('div')

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