What is the best way to incorporate a specific term from the class into CSS styling

I am working on a webpage that includes

'<a> <i> <label>'
elements with specific classes.

<a class="icon-home"></a>
<label class="icon-pencil"></label>
<i class="icon-display"></i>

I want to apply CSS styling with margin-right:10px to any element whose class starts with "icon-".

Here is an example of what I'm looking for:

.icon-* {margin-right:10px}

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

[class^="photo-"], [class*=" photo-"] {
    padding-left: 15px;

Answer №2

here is a helpful tip for styling your classes


To easily target specific classes, you can use the asterisk symbol which indicates that the specified value must be present somewhere in the class name. This method works well for classes like icon-


Another useful selector is the carat symbol, commonly used to signify the beginning of a string in regular expressions. By using this symbol, we can target all elements with a class starting with icon-, as demonstrated in the code snippet above.

Answer №3

You can also opt for utilizing the dash-match syntax:

[class|="icon"]{ margin-right:10px; }

This method will accurately target:

<a class="icon-home"></a>
<label class="icon-pencil"></label>
<i class="icon-display"></i>

...with the added advantage of matching instances like:

<a class="icon"></a>  /* No hyphen required */

...while excluding cases like this:

<a class="icons"></a> 
/* This won't be selected. "icon" can *only* be followed by a dash */

However, there are certain limitations with this approach:

  • won't select if there's a white-space after "icon"
  • icon must be at the beginning of the class attribute string (similar to ^=)

Test it out here: http://jsfiddle.net/mhfaust/Bh95t/

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