Design all buttons, except for the two specific buttons

.button , button{
border:solid black 2px !important;

Using this code, I have added a border to all buttons. But now, I need to exclude the buttons "searchsubmit" and "single_add_to_cart_button" from having a border. How can I achieve that?

Answer №1

It's really not that hard.

There are actually two ways to achieve this, but the simpler option is definitely recommended!

      border: none !important;

In your HTML code, simply add the class "noBorderButton" to your buttons.

<button class="noBorderButton">Submit Form</button>

Keep in mind to always follow CSS overwriting rules, meaning place the .noBorderButton CSS below the Button CSS.

UPDATE: It seems Martin has pointed out that removing the button's border completely may interfere with user agent styles, which is probably not what you want either!

If that's the case, consider the following alternative:

border: solid black 2px !important;

Once again, remember to include the class 'noBorderButton' on any buttons where you don't want this specific styling to apply.

Answer №2

If those are indeed your class names, you can simply include border: none !important to remove the borders.

button.single_add_to_cart_button {
   border: none !important;

Answer №3

Here is a quick solution:


.newsearchsubmit {border:none;!important}
.updated_add_to_cart_button {border:none;!important}


#newsearchsubmit {border:none;!important}
#updated_add_to_cart_button {border:none;!important}

This may not be the cleanest code, but it gets the job done... :)

Answer №4

Utilize the 'not' css selector for more specific styling.

.button , button:not(.searchsubmit):not(.single_add_to_cart_button) {
   border:solid black 2px !important;

Answer №5

To easily achieve this, you can utilize the :not selector to exclude those buttons that have specific classes:

.button, button, button:not('single_add_to_cart_button'), button:not('searchsubmit') {
    border: solid black 2px !important;

Alternatively, you could approach it from a different angle, although I do not recommend it—by adding a border to a button and then removing it:

button.searchsubmit, button.single_add_to_cart_button {
    border: none !important;

(Keep in mind that the above styles should be placed after your initial .button and button styles to ensure they take precedence)

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