Utilize the :not() and :hover selectors in Less when styling with CSS

Some of my elements have a specific class called .option, while others also have an additional class named .selected. I want to add some style definition for the :hover state on the .option elements, but only for those without the .selected class.

I've tried using the :not() and :hover pseudo selectors, but none of the combinations gave me the desired outcome.

On top of that, I need to implement this in Less. I'm not too familiar with Less and CSS.

<!-- I'd like to apply :hover only on those options that are not selected -->
<div class="option">
   option 1
<div class="option selected">
   option 2
<div class="option">
   option 3
<div class="option">
   option 4

After some trial and error, I realized that .option:not(.selected):hover is the CSS selector I need...I just need help translating it into Less.

Answer №1

Disregard that, I located the solution. If anyone else is facing a similar problem, you can accomplish it with fewer lines of code like so:


    /* ... */

    &:not(.selected):hover {

        /* ... */


Answer №2

Here's a tip for working with LESS:

.option {
    &:not(.selected) {
        &:hover {
            color: blue;

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