Why does the order of CSS styling impact my design outcome?

Within my CSS file, I have defined the following styles:




In my HTML code:

<div class="myDiv lightGrey yellow"></div>

Despite specifying the yellow class last in the HTML, the div appears grey instead of yellow. However, if I switch the order of the .yellow and .lightGrey classes in the CSS (not the HTML), the div does appear yellow instead. Why is this happening?

One would assume that the order of class declarations in the HTML itself should dictate the appearance of the div, not the order in the CSS file. This seems counterintuitive.

Answer №1

It's interesting how the order of classes in the HTML determines whether the div appears yellow or grey.

The cascade is defined according to specific rules:

  1. Identify all declarations that apply to the element and property, considering the target media type. Declarations are deemed applicable if the selector matching the element and the medium align with the media list on @media rules and links within the style sheet hierarchy.
  2. Organize based on importance (normal or important) and origin (author, user, or user agent). In hierarchical precedence:
    1. User agent statements
    2. User normal declarations
    3. Author normal declarations
    4. Author important declarations
    5. User important declarations
  3. Sort declarations with equal importance and origin by specificity of selector: the more specific selector takes precedence over the broader one. Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes count as regular elements and classes, respectively.
  4. Ultimately, prioritize by order of appearance: when declarations have equivalent weight, origin, and specificity, the latter declaration wins. Imported style sheet declarations come before those within the stylesheet itself.

#4 may be where the confusion lies; since declarations have identical specificity, the latter one prevails.

Answer №2

Styles Cascade is a crucial concept in web design.

This principle dictates that styles applied later in the stylesheet will take precedence over styles defined earlier in the same sheet.

Answer №3

The sequence of classes in your HTML code, such as myDiv lightGrey yellow, holds no significance. It's similar to saying: I purchased 3 colors, but the order in which they were bought is unknown.

Answer №4

When it comes to specificity, all rules carry equal weight. However, the final rule, as in the case of defining the Cascade, declared in the CSS will prevail. This means that no matter how you organize your classes in the HTML code, the background will always be light gray according to the specified style.

It seems logical that the order in which the classes are listed in the HTML would determine whether the div appears yellow or gray, with the sequence of CSS being of no importance.

In this scenario, the explanation given is actually the opposite.

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