The animation-play-state is set to 'running', however, it refuses to start playing

I'm in the process of creating a landing page that includes CSS animations, such as fade-ins. Initially setting animation-play-state: "paused" in the CSS file, I later use jQuery to trigger the animation while scrolling through the page.

While this setup works perfectly on Chrome on my Mac, attempting to run it on both Safari and Chrome on my iPhone has proven unsuccessful.

After inspecting console logs and debugging extensively, everything appears to be functioning properly except for the actual animation not running (despite the animation-play-state changing to "running").

One last detail - if I place the

$(".row").css("animation-play-state", "running");
statement before the if statement, it performs as expected.

Here's the jQuery statement in question:

//the position where I want the animation to trigger

var destinations = $('#destinations').offset().top - 300;

//the event listener

if($(window).scrollTop() > destinations) {
        $(".row").css("-webkit-animation-play-state", "running");
        $(".row").css("animation-play-state", "running");

Any insights on what might be causing this issue? Thank you in advance! Niv

Answer №1

Encountered an interesting problem today while attempting to create a reveal animation by changing the animation-play-state.

In addition, the animation-fill-mode: both; property was also defined.

The keyframes I used looked like this

    @keyframes fade {
        from { opacity: 0; }
        to { opacity: 1; }

Despite trying various solutions, nothing seemed to work in Safari. The versions tested were 11.1.2 (13605.3.8) (Stable) and Safari Technology Preview Release 63 (Safari 12.1, WebKit 13607.1.2.1), on both Macbook and iPhone - but the result remained the same, with no animation playing.

To summarize, simply changing the animation-play-state property won't work in Safari. Instead, try altering the animation-name property.

I found a workaround using opacity and transform to reveal elements, where creating a temporary animation name helped:

    @keyframes be-hidden {
        from { opacity: 0; }
        to { opacity: 0.0000001; }
    @keyframes fade {
        from { opacity: 0; }
        to { opacity: 1; }
    div {
        animation-name: be-hidden;
        animation-duration: 600ms;
        animation-fill-mode: both;
        animation-delay: 500ms;
        animation-iteration-count: 1;
    div.revealed {
        animation-name: fade;

Assign a animation-name to a temporary animation that hides elements, then switch it to another (.revealed class)

If there are alternative ways to solve this issue, I would love to explore them.

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