I'm having trouble getting the font to display properly on Safari (mac) similar to how it appears on

Recently, I completed a website for a client at . The owner requested the footer text to be styled similarly to the footer text on . However, upon review, it seems that the font in the lists on desiringgod appears thinner compared to the site I built.

This issue seems to only occur when using Safari on a Mac. I've tried debugging using Web Inspector but couldn't pinpoint any differences in the code. Could someone spare 5 minutes to help me identify where the problem lies? It's becoming quite frustrating as I've been trying to resolve this for days. The original HTML and CSS were sourced from a theme, so there might be something within the theme affecting it.

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

When viewing the bfc website, you may notice that headings like "Twitter" are not actually <h2> elements but instead

<li class="footer_page_title">
, with styling of font-weight: normal; rather than bold.

I hope this information is helpful.

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