The css property of *ngContainerOutlet is ineffective when applied to an ng-component with encapsulation

When I utilize *ngContainerOutlet to dynamically insert components, it wraps the component's template within an ng-component tag which causes my CSS styles to become ineffective.

For example:

<div class="my-class">
    <ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="MyComponent"></ng-container>

This results in the following structure:

<div class="my-class">
        <div>my content...</div>

As a result, the my-class style is not correctly applied to the component's template.

I have attempted creating a CSS rule such as my-class > ng-component, but since the element is generated dynamically, this approach does not work. The same issue arises with the use of :first-child.

Is there a solution available, whether through CSS or Angular (such as preventing this encapsulation)?

Thank you, Alexandre

Answer №1


::slotted is now compatible with all modern browsers and can be utilized with `ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom`


You can now leverage the /deep/ combinator to bypass encapsulation:

:host /deep/ ng-component {

Check out these references as well:

  • Load external css style into Angular 2 Component
  • Angular 2: How to style host element of the component?
  • Styles in component for D3.js do not show in angular 2
  • Angular2 - adding [_ngcontent-mav-x] to styles

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