Take away the follow option on the embedded tweet

I need to customize the appearance of embedded tweets on a website by removing the follow button as well as the reply, favorite, and retweet buttons in the footer. Here is a simple HTML example:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
    <a href="https://twitter.com/StackCareers/statuses/468107750333894656"></a>
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Upon inspecting the code, I noticed that the follow button is wrapped in an anchor tag with a specific class:

<a class="follow-button profile" href="https://twitter.com/StackCareers" role="button" data-scribe="component:followbutton" title="Follow StackOverflowCareers on Twitter"><i class="ic-button-bird"></i>Follow</a>

I attempted to remove this class using jQuery:


Additionally, I tried hiding the button with CSS in my stylesheet:

.follow-button {visibility:hidden;}

Following advice from this post, I also added the following line:

.twt-actions { display: none; }

Unfortunately, neither approach worked. Is there a solution for customizing these embedded tweets effectively?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, it is not viable to load cross-domain content into an iframe from a source with a same-origin policy. This means that manipulating the contents using Javascript is not possible.

To my knowledge, there is no readily available embed code for tweets that does not rely on an iframe.

You have two choices in this scenario. The first option is to showcase the tweet as provided without modifications. The second option is to utilize the API to fetch the tweet and customize its display according to your preferences. To pursue the latter route, acquiring an API key is necessary.

Alternatively, you may come across potential workarounds here, but I cannot guarantee the reliability of any implementation based on these suggestions.

Answer №2

After learning about manipulating CSS within Shadow DOM elements, I successfully applied this technique with a widget. The Twitter Widget utilizes a Shadow element named #twitter-widget-0 in my case, where a single tweet is embedded. By incorporating the following snippet into my style sheet:

#twitter-widget-0::shadow div.Tweet-brand {
   display: none;

This solution proved to be quite useful for me!

Answer №3

There are various methods to embed tweets - as per the documentation on embedding tweets:

Our widget scans the DOM during execution, converting blockquote.twitter-tweet elements into fully-rendered embedded Tweets based on their content.

To directly render an embedded Tweet at runtime, you can use the twttr.widgets.createTweet() function.

a) Using Default Publish Widget

If you process this tweet through the publish widget, it will generate the following code (demo):

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
  <p lang="en" dir="ltr">Nobody:<br><br>Software Marketing Page: "Blazingly Fast"</p>
  &mdash; Kyle Mitofsky (@KyleMitBTV) 
  <a href="https://twitter.com/KyleMitBTV/status/1188837207206977536">October 28, 2019</a>
<script src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You could then locate all the <twitter-widget> elements that were created and update style properties within their shadowRoot like this:

[...document.getElementsByTagName('twitter-widget')].forEach(tweet => { 
  let style = tweet.shadowRoot.firstElementChild;
  let css = document.createTextNode(`.EmbeddedTweet .CallToAction { display: none; }`);

However, we need to wait for the widget to process each tweet, and there is no direct event to trigger this action at the right time (without resorting to using a setTimeout).

b) Manual JavaScript Implementation

You can customize the creation of the tweet manually like this:

let tweetId = "1188837207206977536"
let tweetContainer = document.getElementById('tweet-container');
twttr.widgets.createTweet(tweetId, tweetContainer)

This will return a promise that allows you to handle the tweet insertion and update styles in the shadowRoot accordingly (demo):

<div id="tweet-container" class="embedded-tweets"></div>
<script src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  let tweetId = "1188837207206977536"
  let tweetContainer = document.getElementById('tweet-container');
  twttr.widgets.createTweet(tweetId, tweetContainer)
       .then(function (tweet) {
         let style = tweet.shadowRoot.firstElementChild;
         let css = document.createTextNode(`.EmbeddedTweet .CallToAction { display: none; }`);

Note: The Tweet ID must be a string as numbers above

2<sup>53</sup> - 1 = 9007199254740991
in JavaScript will be truncated (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)

Insights on Shadow DOM

The <twitter-widget> is a web component styled using the shadow DOM. Global style overrides using /deep/ or ::shadow were deprecated in Chrome 45 and removed in Chrome 63. Presently, setting a style element directly in the element's shadowRoot is the recommended approach to override styles in the shadow root.

Answer №4

if you possess several widgets


  [id*="twitter-widget"]::shadow div.Tweet-brand {   display: none;  }


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