Utilizing CSS to target the ID of an anchor element

I am a beginner in the world of HTML and CSS. I recently attempted to target an element using an id selector in my CSS code, but unfortunately, it did not work as expected. Can someone shed some light on why this might be happening?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    #bigButton a {text-decoration:none;color:green;}
<a id=”bigButton” href=”page1.html”>Click here</a>

It's worth mentioning that I also attempted the CSS without targeting the <a> tag directly (i.e.

#bigButton {text-decoration:none;color:green;}
) but this alternative approach failed to yield the desired result as well.

Answer №1

a#largeLink {text-decoration:none;color:green;}

Your Custom Style

#bigButton a {text-decoration:none;color:green;}

interpreted as targeting "any a elements within a container with id bigButton".

Answer №2

take out the a to apply the id selector. It would simply be:

#bigButton {text-decoration:none;color:green;}

This code would function as intended:

 #bigButton a {text-decoration:none;color:green;}

If you have a parent element structured like this for a:

<div id="bigButton">
<a  href="page1.html">Click here</a>

Moreover, as pointed out by @Pilot and @BoltClock, quotation marks may be another reason to consider using something like this instead: " or id="bigButton"

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