Achieving perfect alignment both horizontally and vertically using CSS3's viewport height of 100%

I'm trying to utilize CSS3's Viewport Height to create a fullscreen section with a height of 100vh. However, I am encountering difficulties in centering elements both horizontally and vertically within the section. My goal is to have an image and some text in the first section displayed at the center of the screen as a cohesive group. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Check out this code on jsFiddle


<section class="red-bg">
    <div class="middle">
        <img src="" alt="" />
        <h1>Insert text here.</h1>

<section class="blue-bg">
    <p>Another section content goes here.</p>


body {
    color: #fff;

section {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;

.middle {
    /* Need to align vertically and horizontally */

.red-bg {
    background-color: #f00;

.blue-bg {
    background-color: #00f;

Answer №1

consider using flexbox for layout

body {
    color: #fff;

section {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    display : flex;

.middle {
    /* ensure vertical and horizontal alignment */
  margin : auto;

.red-bg {
    background-color: #f00;

.blue-bg {
    background-color: #00f;
<section class="red-bg">
    <div class="middle">
        <img src="" alt="" />
        <h1>Some text here.</h1>

<section class="blue-bg">
    <p>Another section here.</p>

Answer №2

Give this a try!

.center {
    /* vertical alignment */
    position: relative;
    top: 50%;
    transform: translateY(-50%);

    /* horizontal alignment */
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: table;
  • If you switch display to block, ensure to set the width explicitly
  • Add text-align: center if required.

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