Problem with Jquery Sticky Navigation

I've been struggling to understand this issue and can't seem to find any help.

The user experience is currently a bit glitchy, but what I would like is:

1) When scrolling down the page, I want the Sticky Nav to be disabled at a specific location (chapter-3) on the page so that users can continue scrolling down.

2) When the user scrolls back up, the code should stick the nav back in place and move it up until it reaches its original position at the top.

Here's a starting point for reference:

3) It's kind of doing that already, but there seems to be a significant jump when scrolling back up.

Using options like disable, destroy, enable would be helpful.

Here's a cleaner version of the original experience:

Thank you in advance for your help.

Answer №1

The functioning of the plugin you have utilized is not entirely clear to me, however, I have an alternative solution that I developed some time ago using jQuery. This solution includes a few variables at the beginning - the item you want to remain sticky, the point where you want it to stop moving, the class to apply when it becomes sticky, and padding at the top and bottom. In this version, I have only made modifications to the JavaScript section.

UPDATE I have gone ahead and rectified the original code. An alternate solution without the waypoint plugin has been provided in the comments.

Check out the result here:

Answer №2

My suggestion would be to consider incorporating jQuery into your project (surprise, surprise! :P)

$(document).ready(function() {        //when document is ready
  var topDist = $("nav").position();  //save the position of your navbar !Don't create that variable inside the scroll function!
  $(document).scroll(function () {    //every time users scrolls the page
    var scroll = $(this).scrollTop(); //get the distance of the current scroll from the top of the window
    if (scroll > - *distance_nav_from_top*) { //user goes to the trigger position
      $('nav').css({position:"fixed", width: "100%", top:"*distance_nav_from_top*"}); //set the effect
      } else {                          //window is on top position, reaches trigger position from bottom-to-top scrolling
          $('nav').css({position:"static", width:"initial", top:"initial"}); //set them with the values you used before scrolling

I trust this information proves helpful!

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