Elevate Your Flipclock.js

I am currently working on a website that utilizes flipclock.js, but I am facing some challenges in enlarging it to occupy more space on the page.

Is there anyone who knows how to upscale or increase its size?

Answer №1

Simply insert this style and your task is complete!

  -webkit-transform: scale(1.2);

Answer №2

The clock's appearance is customizable based on the font size. By adjusting the font size in the provided codepen link ( https://codepen.io/sarus/pen/xjKEZq?editors=0100 ) you can scale the entire clock up or down. Furthermore, border-radius, gap, and dot size can be modified individually according to your preferences.

Primarily, the first 4 SASS variables are meant for alteration:

// ------------------------- FlipClock
$clock-flip-font-size: 200px
$clock-flip-border-radius: 8px
$clock-digit-gap: 40px
$clock-dot-size: 20px

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