Using JQuery to reverse the action of hiding an image

Having some trouble with my Javascript and JQuery skills, so bear with me. I've set up a gallery of images where users can drag and drop them into a designated drop zone. Everything works fine when dragging an image from the gallery to the drop zone and back, but if I try to drag an image within the gallery itself, it disappears instead of reverting back. The console shows that the original image's display property is set to "none" even though I didn't specify this anywhere in my code (I suspect $(this).hide() is causing this). I've tried adjusting the CSS manually without success. Am I overlooking something? Happy to provide more details if needed. Unfortunately, it's too complex to create a JSFiddle for demonstration purposes. Thanks!

To clarify, I need a cloned image for dragging out of the scrollable div. However, using $(this).hide() to avoid having multiple copies seems to be the root of the issue. Ideally, I want the dragged image to revert to its original position inside the gallery rather than disappearing altogether.

            revert: "invalid",
            helper: 'clone',
            start: function () {
                $('.item').css('cursor', 'grabbing');
            stop: function () {
                $('.item').css('cursor', 'grab');

            accept: '*',
            drop: function (event, ui) {
                $('.item').css('cursor', 'grab');
                var parentOffset = jQuery('#arena').offset();
                if(!ui.draggable.hasClass("newItem")) {
                    var new_item = $(ui.helper).clone().removeClass('item').addClass("newItem");
                        revert: 'invalid',
                        start: function () {
                            $('.newItem').css('cursor', 'grabbing');
                        stop: function () {
                            $('.newItem').css('cursor', 'grab');
                        'position': 'absolute',
                        'left': (ui.position.left - parentOffset.left) + 'px',
                        'top': ( - + 'px',

Answer №1

After encountering the same issue of a pesky clone, I devised a solution that might help others facing this problem. My solution involved creating a flag variable named "moved," which is initialized as false. This variable is crucial in ensuring that an image dragged within the gallery remains visible while dragging and becomes hidden once it's dropped onto the dropzone. The "moved" variable transitions between true and false states appropriately to control the visibility of images in the gallery.

var moved = false;
$(function() {
        helper: 'clone',
        revert: "invalid",
        start: function () {
            moved = false;
            $('.item').css('cursor', 'grabbing');
        stop: function (event, ui) {
            if ((ui.helper.hasClass("item") && moved == false)) {
            $('.item').css('cursor', 'grab');

        accept: '*',
        drop: function (event, ui) {
            $('.item').css('cursor', 'grab');
            var parentOffset = jQuery('#arena').offset();
            if(!ui.draggable.hasClass("newItem")) {
                moved = true;
                var new_item = $(ui.helper).clone().removeClass('item').addClass("newItem");

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