Switch up the appearance of a document by manipulating the stylesheet using a select tag

I'm currently facing an issue with the implementation of a drop-down box on my website for selecting different themes. Despite having the necessary javascript code, I am unable to get it working correctly. Here's the snippet:

//selecting the select element
let selectTheme = document.querySelector("#select-theme");
//selecting the stylesheet
let style = document.querySelector("#pagestyle");

selectTheme.addEventListener('onchange', () => {
  if (selectTheme.value == "dark") {
    style.setAttribute("href", "./css/style.css");
  if (selectTheme.value == "light") {
    style.setAttribute("href", "./css/style2.css");

Here is the corresponding HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" id="pagestyle">

<div class="selection-box">
      <select class="select-theme" name="selectTheme" id="select-theme">
        <option value="dark" id="dark">dark</option>
        <option value="light" id="light">light</option>

It seems like the event listener is not functioning properly as it fails to display the selected value from the drop-down menu.

Additionally, please note that the provided HTML code is just a portion of the complete webpage layout.

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