Ensure that text within openhtmltopdf is aligned to the right and any unnecessary white space at the

Currently, I am using the open source project openhtmltopdf but I have encountered a certain issue.

Within a div-element, I have a p-tag with text-align: right styling. The text is aligned correctly to the right until there is a line break due to the width of the div exceeding the p-tag length. The line breaks after a white space, causing the rows to be misaligned on the right side with a trailing whitespace. Even setting white-space: pre-line does not resolve this issue. Interestingly, web browsers display the source HTML correctly.

The end of the lines may look something like the following:

- Row 1 without a break

- Row 2 with a break

- Continuation of Row 2...

This same issue occurs with the flying saucer renderer that I am looking to replace with openhtml.

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